Neard and XOOPS Tutorial

01/28/2021 15:10
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Neard and XOOPS Tutorial

Neard and XOOPS Tutorial

Neard is a WAMP, i.e. a tool for running an Apache web server on a Microsoft Windows PC.

WAMP for Windows Apache MySQL PHP.
Logo Neard


The team has worked hard to provide you with a very complete and useful tutorial for all webmasters who want to perform all types of XOOPS testing (installation, usage, migration) from an Apache web server on Microsoft Windows, before moving their ready-made CMS to an Apache server solution on Linux.

This tutorial has been designed as a practical exercise, so you can easily follow it step by step, and repeat the actions as you progress through the tutorial.

In this 10-part tutorial In the following simple and clear steps you will find the following items

  • What is WAMP?
  • Why choose Neard?
  • Neard
    • Download and install,
    • Launch, configure and set up,
    • Install and activate a version of MariaDB,
    • Install and activate versions of PHP,
    • Create a virtual host.
    • Create a clean and structured tree structure to host our CMS,
    • Copy the files to the created tree,
    • Launching the installer.

Go to the tutorial Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS

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Published 10/05/2021 7:32
  • Administrateur

 Tutoriel Neard/XOOPS : 3000 lectures

Nous sommes fiers de voir que ce tutoriel a atteint 3000 lectures en 8 mois.
C'est une belle récompense !
Merci à vous !